Local Characteristics

General Sullivan Bridge

Located in southeastern New Hampshire, Newington lies in the heart of the fast growing Seacoast area, which encompasses much of Rockingham County, New Hampshire and Southern York County Maine. Approximately 350,000 people reside in this market area along with a significant visitor population during the summer and fall. The town of Newington has three components: the quaint residential areas, Pease International Tradeport and the commercial, industrial and waterfront area. The town’s existing land use pattern is:

Land uses                                   Acreage                                    Percentage  

Commercial/Industrial                970 acres                                       17%  

Pease Tradeport                         1,436 acres                                     25%

Conservation, Municipal,

Wildlife Refuge                            1,642 acres                                    31%

Residential                                  1,511                                              27%

The town’s year-round population hovers around 800, and will likely remain at that level for the next 20 years. However, the commercial, industrial and waterfront development, east of the Spaulding Turnpike, along with the Pease Tradeport is home to approximately 15,000 employees with more than 5,000 shoppers on a daily basis. The annual average daily traffic count on the Spaulding Turnpike (aka NH Route 16) is approximately 70,000 vehicles.

Newington reported a total of 179 crimes in 2019, of which 156 were property theft. The majority of the crimes occurred in the commercial, industrial and waterfront area. 22 crimes occurred in the village area. Discounted for the significant commercial, industrial and waterfront uses, the crime rate in the village area of Newington is low. (The crime rate in the commercial / industrial area is consistent with other similar areas.) For additional information, contact Police Chief Michael Bilodeau or Captain Michael Sullivan at the Newington Police Department at (603) 431 – 5461. For additional information on Newington, you can visit the 2020 Master Plan at https://www.newington.nh.us/sites/g/files/vyhlif966/f/uploads/master_plan_2020-2030_0.pdf  or contact Martha Roy, Town Administrator, at (603) 436 – 7640 or mroy@townofnewingtonnh.com.