Code Enforcement

All building alterations or new construction that cost, $2,500 Residential and $1,000 Commercial, or more requires an appropriate permit to be obtained in advance from the Building Inspector.

All property in Newington is subject to the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance. The Code Enforcement Officer's duties include the enforcement of the terms of this ordinance.

Within Newington's non-residential zoning districts, new construction, the expansion of a building's footprint, or a new type of land use requires Planning Board approval prior to the issuance of a Building Permit. Town Planner John Krebs (603-436-7640) can provide additional details on that process.

The erection or alteration of signs requires a Sign Permit to be issued in advance. 

Building activity within 250 feet of the bay or the Piscataqua River is regulated by New Hampshire's Shoreland Protection Law. Permits from the NH Department of Environmental Services (NH DES) are required in advance. The filling of wetlands also requires a permit from NH DES.

The Code Enforcement Officer keeps regular hours at the Town Hall. Inquiries, reports, or complaints may be filed by calling 603-436-7640.