Proposal by Eversource to Erect 115kV Transmission Lines Across Newington

A further hearing was held on September 3rd, 2015.  The Eversource slide presentation and Selectmen's meeting minutes are attached.


The public information hearing on the 23rd at Town Hall showed an excellent turn out of residents.  The many speakers articulately and eloquently listed the concerns of the Town. Thanks to all that attended! Your support is greatly appreciated. 

History: Town officials were recently approached by Eversource/PSNH with a proposal to erect 115kV electrical transmission lines across Newington’s residential district. The proposed route is shown in red in the attached image.

The Town Selectmen are engaging our attorneys to research all available options to protect the interests of Newington residents.

Selectman Jan Stuart has been designated our contact person for inquires and comments on the PSNH proposal. You may contact her at 436-1784, or alternately, leave a message at the Town Hall at 436-7640.

We look forward to hearing from you.